Sunday 1 January 2017

Big Sur,Yes Sir!

This is not my  photo, but is better than the one I took.
We woke up to a tired and timid San Francisco this morning after the previous nights' revelries. This enabled us to get out of our hotel and on the road surprisingly easily. Our first stop was Lombard St, the "crookedest street in the world". It is hard to see in the photo below, but there are 8 hairpin turns in a short distance. Yes we did drive down it.
Lombard St

 The next photo is just another shot of the streets of San Francisco, it's just so photogenic I couldn't stop taking photos.
Streets of San Fran
 We wanted to drive through Silicone Valley on our way south and so checked out the headquarters of Facebook, Google, Apple and ebay.

 Next stop was Monteray to get us highway 1 and the "Big Sur".This is a stretch of coastline known for it's sweeping coastal views, rugged cliffs and mountains. I imagine the Great Ocean Road would be similar to this. We travelled on this mostly windy road for a couple hours and have found ourselves staying at a place called Cumbria. This is the first time we have all shared the same hotel room, so I hope I live to tell the tale.Tomorrow we are going to see Hearst Castle and then on for our last two nights in LA before flying home.

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