Saturday 31 December 2016

Goodbye 2016

We had a bit of a sleep in and then headed to the shops. The girls and I looked at the sales while Jason opted for antique shops and vinyl record shops. That took us hours..
View to Union Square from our room
After lunch, I walked 45 minutes through some pretty shady San Francisco streets to meet Jason at Alamo square to see the "Paineted ladies".

The painted ladies

View down the street to City Hall

More houses of San Fran

City Hall

Not  sure if the walk back was any more comfortable with Jason in tow, at 4pm the homeless people were claiming their stakes on the footpath, and I'm pretty sure the pimps and drug pushers were on many corners. We came across some funky smelling cigarettes and funky smelling people too. I was relieved to get back to Union Square.

Inside Sears resturant
We had an early dinner at Sears restaurant next door where we had seen many people wait in a queue to get into. Apparently it is world famous. We ate simply but well, the food serving sizes living up to their reputation of being large.

 We had a stroll around the block and had a quick look in the foyers of the Sir Francis Drake Hotel and the Westin, both glamorous and elegant.
Christmas Tree in Union Square.

Huge cake in the foyer of the Westin

Union Square
We are still undecided and uncommitted to see the fireworks down at the bay. We've had a big day, it's cold outside and we're on the move tomorrow.

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