Monday 19 December 2016

I See Sierra

A quick visit to the local visitor centre near Lone Pine confirmed our worst fears that the pass into Yosemite National Park was closed for the winter. Even though we had checked the website in Australia before we left, this detail seems to have escaped us, as well as the rangers we spoke to at Grand Canyon when we told them we wanted to visit Yosemite. So instead of continuing north to see more highway and get to our Lake Tahoe house two days early. We decided to allllllllll the way south again (half way back to LA), around the Sierra Nevada Mountain range and the back up on the eastern side to Fresno. As we get closer to Yosemite we'll check for any changes in road conditions, however, it is unlikely we'll get in. We may however, get into Yosemite Valley.

At least the scenery was greener and prettier than the desert side and we were rewarded with a beautiful drive through the Sierra Nevada Mountains with sun shining through coloured leaves and reflecting of babbling brooks. It was worth the change of plans to take us to Bakersfield.

We took more B roads from Bakersfield to Fresno, however this proved to be less rewarding with acres and acres of orange groves to see. We were going to try and push further, but night was falling and we were all pretty fed up with being in the car after 6 hours (except Jason who is the perpetual traveller).
Last look at the Sierra Nevada mountains from the Eastern side.

Unusual cactus plants

Lake Isabella on the moutain crossing

Going back down the mountains


Orange groves at the foot of the mountains now looking from the
western side

Oil Derricks

Driving the back roads to Fresno

When you've had enough!

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