Sunday 18 December 2016

Desert Desolation

We left Vegas with our sights set on Lone Pine via Death Valley. The drive was a mere 4 hour drive, therefore Jason said any antique shops are "open slather". Little did we know that the 4 hour drive was a whole lot of desert. Desert after desert after desert. I turned into a whiney teenager "it's so boring"! This is one of the great desert drives in the world, which I didn't know. In summer it reaches temperatures of up to 40 C degrees. It is also the driest desert in the world, as well as the lowest at levels of -190 feet below sea level.

So we did a lot of driving on very long straight roads, the scenery never changing yet always changing if that makes sense. No antique shops! However, a surprising amount on people on the road. Not much more to say except show the photos. We are stopped in Lone Pine overnight, the temperature is currently 6C degrees.

Leaving Las Vegas

Mt Charlston just outside of LV

Zabriski Point Loookout

Zabriski Point Lookout

Zabriskie Point Lookout

Dust in the valley

Desert Road


Coyote by the road side

He was more scared of us than we of him.

Snow capped peaks of the Alabama Hills
We have just learned the disappointing news that the road into Yosemite National Park is closed for the way we were planning to go. Not sure what we will do now, but unfortunately it will probably mean some back tracking back to the south and approach Yosemite from the West if possible. Stay tuned!

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