Thursday 29 December 2016

San Francisco sojourn

It was with a mixture of both sadness and anticipation that we left Lake Tahoe this morning. Our last day was spent making the most of our holiday time relaxing. Of course there was more washing to do which, infuriatingly, never goes away no matter which country we are in (along with the inability of the family to put dirty dishes in the dishwasher)! We sadly disrobed the Christmas tree of it's trimmings and took it to the Christmas tree recycling point where it will be recycled into chips. The girl couldn't bear to come and have requested we have real Christmas trees at home from now on!

Jason, Sam and I went for a last snowy stroll at dusk down to the lakeside, returning in the dark which wasn't such a great idea, as the drop in temperature turned the roads and footpaths icy. We dropped into the Hyatt Regency to see how the rich people lived and admired the open fireplaces and the life size gingerbread house which smelt as good as it looked.

Hyatt Regency Gingerbread house
It was a rather uninspiring drive from Lake Tahoe to San Francisco with mostly highway driving, traffic jams and no scenery. We wanted to approach SF from the Golden Gate bridge, so that did take us off the main highway towards the end of the journey. Hence the only interesting photos I have are of that iconic bridge. She is a beauty. We spent quite a bit of time at one end and walked to the first pylon. Is was very windy and cold, and of course, it was getting dark at 5pm!

Approaching SF

Driving over the bridge

The iconic Golden Gate bridge.

Sunset view from the bridge

Walking back over the bridge

SF at dusk

SF at night

We are staying in a hotel right on Union Square. The street is bustling with buskers and trams, a big change from the silence of the pine trees at the lake. We can see the large Christmas tree from our window and will look forward to exploring more of the city tomorrow.

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