Saturday 17 December 2016

Guns 'n' Roses

Verrryyy slow start to the day today. The girls slept until 10 and I caught up on washing, boring I know, but necessary.

Jason and I finally got out the door around 1pm, leaving the girls to binge watch Gilmore Girls on Netflix. It's so good that we feel comfortable enough to leave them on their own now.

We went to an older (turns out scarier) part of Vegas where the antique and collectable shops are. There was some really cool stuff, probably more vintage and retro than antique. We saw everything from kinky boot lamps to mummified heads to Native American jewellery to green depression glass.
Chatting to one of the vendors about guns and he showed us that he was carrying a loaded gun himself! He had been rushed at the door at opening this morning by a guy trying to force him to open the shop for money. So he decided to arm himself. As you do. In America. It made me feel very uncomfortable to think that he's not the only one over here with a gun at the ready. That's just messed up.

There were very high winds today up to 100kms closing the airport for a while. You can see the angle of the traffic lights below.

Lamps anyone?
Bar lights?

There was rain added to the high winds. Stratosphere casino to the left.

These shops were sets for the "Hangover"movie no. 1

Street art

Drive through wedding chapel!

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