Saturday 10 December 2016


Whew, another sleep in today. First on the agenda for me was a near by patchwork fabric shop! Ching! 2. Jason had to sort out a US sim card for his phone for use here. Done!

We each had a few things on a list to accomplish today which involved MUCH driving around in LA traffic. We saw ALOT of downtown.

 Oldest building in Culver City

Some stops not so successful, such as closed antique shops (whew), and ones unplanned like a visit to "Joanne's", which is the equivalent to Spotlight in Australia. Good to visit, and some great bargains, but nothing really different for me. Picked up a few chrissy decorations at 60% off.

Next stop was for Alex to Amoeba music store, the world's largest independent record store. It was massive, and Alex and Jason found something to bring home.

Amoeba Music Store
Then we went to Chinatown so Sam could walk the steps of one her favourite bands where they shot a music video. Speaking of shooting, I saw this sign on a bench which I found quite sad.

"Never leave your gun in the wrong hands"

On the way home we drove past two buildings each of which were inspirations for the TV show American Horror Story's fifth season, Hotel.

We were actually home by 6,30pm to finish off all the leftover food prior to us moving on tomorrow. We are currently sitting down, eating popcorn, to an episode of Sherlock Holmes as we couldn't all agree on which movie to watch....

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