Sunday 11 December 2016

Hit the Road Jack......

Up early and packed ready to embark on the next part of our journey, being Route 66. We were quite pleased to be leaving LA behind and it's ridiculous traffic and smog.

But first we had to drop in to the famous Rose Bowl Flea Market. This market held at the Rose Bowl football stadium in Pasadena and is the hugest Flea Market we've ever been to. It's massive! It had the most amazing treasures to behold, a real Aladdin's cave. Heaps of old stuff from any given era you could choose to name, and all quite good quality, not the junky stuff you might associate with a flea market at home. You could easily spend a day and empty your wallet without any trouble!

Rose Bowl Stadium
We had noticed all these holes in the ground leading toward the flea market and Jason jokingly said they were mole holes.Turns out they are gopher holes! Cheeky little varmits!

Two long front teeth to gnaw through
tree roots
About the size of a small
guinea pig

Pasadena Bridge, part of Route 66 and the old entrance to LA
We stopped at a Walmart to buy some supplies, it's not clear in the photo, but the luggage fills every space of the boot. Could have something to do with the fact that we bought a microwave at a garage sale for $5, because you never know when you might need one of those on the road!!!!

Happy Campers

We finally got on the road for real and headed down Route 66 towards Victorville and Barstow. This means going off the highway and taking things a bit slower to take in the sights. This weird cloud formation with the almost full moon hovering above in the context of a desert landscape was a little eerie.

Jason drove us through an actual ghost town where all the buildings from an old airforce base. We also saw an aeroplane graveyard and this strange domed structure below.

 Just as the sun was setting we came across this bottle tree yard. It's exactly that. Trees. Made of bottles.

We're staying at Barstow tonight, ready for our 6 hour drive to the Grand Canyon tomorrow!

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