Wednesday 28 December 2016

Truckee and tremors

Melting snow
The weather is warming up to temperatures over 0, so the snow is melting and there is a lot more greenery to be seen now. Sometimes the snow is falling off in clumps from the trees, and the houses are dripping water off the eaves. This is fortunate for us, for even though there is still ice on the smaller roads, travelling on the bigger roads is much safer and far less treacherous. We have been very fortunate with the timing of the snow fall, as it will make our departure less stressful.

Squirrel in the tree outside our apartment.

We wanted to explore a bit more of the area so decided to check out Truckee, about 30 mins drive away. Cute little outpost type of town and very touristy. Truckee is a historic railroad town and the situated near the Donner Lake where a group of settlers tried to unsuccessfully cross the now named Donner Pass in the winter of 1849.

We had a stroll up and down the main street and had lunch in a rustic type diner that had train circling around the ceiling, and all manner of memorabilia on the walls (rifles included).

Pack dog!

Gingerbread house window display

Street art

Gypsy caravan

Streets of Truckee

Main Street

Street art

Sierra Tavern

Train in our diner

The interesting walls of the diner

We had a look at some shops back at Incline village including a couple of thrift shop, but no treasures to be found. Probable drop off for the $5 microwave though! We had a late night and just as we were settling to sleep, the beds start shaking. It was an unsettling feeling. Thanks to the wonders of the internet, we discovered that there had been an earthquake at a place called Hawthorne in Nevada approximately 200 kms away. There was another tremor about 10 minutes later, then a small one after another 30 mins. This morning's news reports they were about 5.7 on the richter scale, and no significant damage at the point of impact. Lets hope it stays steady for the next week!

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