Wednesday 14 December 2016

Grand Canyon

When we finally got ourselves motivated after the free hotel breakfast, we went in to the township to get our pass for the Grand Canyon. As there is a high probability of us visiting more than one National Park, it was more cost effective to buy an annual pass for $80, rather than paying $30 entry each time. 

When we got to the Canyon, it was everything I hoped it would be. The sheer size of it is overwhelming. The age of it is mind boggling and the history of it's formation is fascinating. The photos here do not do it justice.



We met a friendly squirrel on the walkway, who liked Jasons popcorn so much, he asked for more! 

Please sir, can I have some more?

At an elevation of over 7000 feet, the temperature was documented at 8 degrees C, however, that wind chill factor was at least 0! We stayed until the sunset, as apparently that's the thing to do. Unfortunately, it was cloudy at sunset, so the rocks didn't light up as much as they might have done on a sunny day. No one took me up on coming back to experience the sunrise at 7.30 the next morning.

Sunset from Hopi lookout

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