Saturday 24 December 2016

Merry Christmas!

View from our window
We woke up to a wonderful white wonderland yesterday morning. The skies were grey however, and it was quite windy, so we had a fairly quiet day at home. Occasionally we would go off in pairs to go to the shops. Jason and Sam braved a walk down to the lake side where they said it was windy and cold.

We have been binge watching Sherlock on Netflix and settled into watch the last two episodes of the most recent season. All ready now for the new season to start on Jan 1 2017.

Christmas Eve dawned with even more snow than yesterday.

View of car park
We did some last minute grocery shopping. What a contrast to the shops at home on Christmas eve. It was calm and quiet, not many people around. Everything closes earlier today, and I think there is a lot to be said for some quiet time the day before Christmas Day for reflection and preparation instead of the mad rush we have. 

We decided it was too good a day to miss with snow and blue skies so decided to go to Tahoe Meadows which had been recommended to us as a snow play area. Well, it took us (Jason) AT LEAST and hour and a half to get the snow chains on and then at least another half and hour getting used to driving with them. However, we were extremely glad to have them on, as we would not have made it very far. In fact it was a necessity.

View from Mt Rose lookout

We had a great time spending a couple of hours in the snow. We will sleep well tonight. 

Ready to descend

Sam protecting herself from incoming snow balls

Jason and Alex in battle
On the road back down.

Back at our apartment drinking hot chocolate and egg nog on Christmas Eve. Merry Christmas to one and all.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Gehrke family,
    The snow and the landscape looks pretty cool...Merry christmas also to You from Germany (without any snow) Cheers Andreas
